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The Future Generation Art Prize is a biannual global contemporary art prize to discover, recognize and give long-term support to a future generation of artists. Established by the Victor Pinchuk Foundation in 2009, the Prize supported the artistic development and production of new works of over 100 artists in exhibitions at the PinchukArtCentre in Kyiv and as official collateral events at the Venice Biennale in 2011, 2013, 2017 and 2019.
All artists aged 35 or younger from anywhere in the world, working in any medium are invited to apply for the Prize. An outstanding selection committee, appointed by a distinguished international jury, reviews every application and nominates 20 artists for the short list. These artists will be commissioned to create new works that go on display at the PinchukArtCentre in Kyiv. Subsequently, all of them will present their works in the Future Generation Art Prize exhibition at the Venice Biennale.
Seven outstanding experts, each one appointed by one of the jury members, will review every application and will nominate 20 artists for the short list.
Press kits in every language of the website are available here.
The prize winner of the Future Generation Art Prize 2014, Zhanna Kadyrova, explains how to extract from the FGAP a unique exchange of experience with other artists and how to not afraid to experiment in the framework of artistic practice
Christian Falsnaes, shortlisted artist for FGAP 2017, tells about his work «Feed» which was presented in Kiev and Venice and advises to all artists to bring their ambitious artwork at Future Generation Art Prize 2019
Phoebe Boswell, Special Award Winner at Future General Art Prize 2017, explains her art philosophy and how the prize enabled her to exhibit at Venice Biennale for the first time
Andy Holden, nominee of FGAP 2017, introduces us to his working space and tells how Future Generation Art Prize provided an opportunity to show his art to the whole world
Andreas Gursky
Damien Hirst
Jeff Koons
Takashi Murakami
With a network of partner platforms and correspondents all over the world the Prize enjoys unique partners who work as ambassadors and encourage artists to apply for the prize.
The world is changing more rapidly than ever before. A new global order poses unheard-of challenges to mankind. We can succeed only if we think different, in a new way, beyond the usual.
A great intellectual revolution is sweeping the globe. If it fails, mankind has little to hope for. However, we have some task forces that think and act different, in a new way, beyond the usual. They are pushing us forward. Alongside physicists, biologists, medical scientists and nanotechnologists, and often even ahead of them, contemporary artists are in the forefront.
Today, I believe one can see the most interesting and promising platoon of the artistic task force. They are the youngest among the best. Or the best among the youngest. They accept no limits set by "not allowed" or "impossible."This is the principle of our prize: no limits but age.Freedom. Equality. Creative support from the most renowned contemporary artists who are the patrons of the Prize.
This Prize is for those who do not separate art from their life. For those able and willing to create. With or without an art degree, recognized in academic circles or not, but with talent and ambition. Willing to dedicate their livesto art.
I believe that our main prize will go to the best one. And that this Future Generation Art Prize will be only one of the first awards for a future great master, to be followed by many others.
I also believe that those not awarded a Prize today will not stop but will move on.
I believe none of them will leave us undisturbed and allow us to remain unchanged. Because that would mean to remain in the past.
Francesco Bonami
Curator, Director of the 50th Biennale di Venezia
Doris Salcedo
Bisi Silva
Independent curator, Director for the Centre for Contemporary Art, Lagos
Philip Tinari
Director of the Ullens Center for Contemporary Art in Beijing
Philip Tinari
Adam Szymczyk
Eckhard Schneider
General Director of the PinchukArtCentre
Francesco Bonami
Curator, Director of the 50th Biennale di Venezia
Doris Salcedo
Bisi Silva
Independent curator, Director for the Centre for Contemporary Art, Lagos
Philip Tinari
Director of the Ullens Center for Contemporary Art in Beijing
Philip Tinari
Adam Szymczyk
Eckhard Schneider
General Director of the PinchukArtCentre
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